

上正题!这封信来自Karicare公司,介绍了他们最畅销的婴幼儿牛奶粉产品--金装免疫加强牛奶粉(Gold Plus)金装免疫牛奶粉(Gold)的区别。

我相信很多买家也像开店之初的我一样,面对这两种看起来非常相似的产品,感到困惑,到底他们有什么不同?之前我看到淘宝其他店铺有金装免疫加强1段和2段(Gold Plus1 and Gold Plus2)以及金装免疫3段(Gold 3),但是自己在新西兰的市场却看不到,很是疑惑。而且很多淘宝店主声称,金装免疫加强和金装免疫是Kairicare公司同时在新西兰市面上销售的不同系列产品。我是一个爱较汁儿的人,总想把事情研究透彻。带着疑问,我写信给Karicare公司来寻求答案。一天后,收到了答复,先将电邮中文翻译和英文原版刊登如下。之后我会进一步解读这封信。------------------------------------------------


在新西兰市场上,您可以看到Karicare Gold 1和Karicare Gold 2,唯一的一种“加强版”奶粉(就是带PLUS的)是Karicare Toddler Gold 3(即GoldPlus 3,也就是大家在本店看到的那种)。加强版奶粉使用了独一无二的配方,其中含有“Nutricia Prebiotics”(一类以他们公司命名的原生质),他们(指这些原生质)对宝宝的消化和免疫系统大有好处。同时,“加强版”中含有Omega 3和Omega 6(欧米伽3和6,是深海鱼油的精华成分),对您宝宝的眼睛,大脑和神经系统的发育非常有益!

就像维他命和矿物质一样,Omega 3和Omega 6精华脂肪酸对人体健康有着重要的意义,而人体本身不能够自己合成这些有益的物质,只能靠食物摄取。其中,Omega3可以促近血液健康流动,减少上火发炎对大脑的不利影响。(这一点真的好重要!好多宝宝容易上火,而上火会伤害大脑,不知不觉就影响智力发育!)

对于婴儿和刚学走路的宝宝来说,最为重要是一种名为“DHA”的Omega 3脂肪酸。人类的大脑有50%以上的成分是脂肪,而这其中数量最多的就是DHA。DHA只在母乳和深海鱼油中存在,Karicare Gold装的奶粉(当然也包括Plus版)就含有非常丰富的DHA脂肪酸。

Glod Plus和普通版本Gold奶粉的唯一区别是,Gold Plus配方中添加了一种低聚糖原生质。这种原生质属于非可溶性碳水化合物,在母乳中也含有这种物质。它的作用是促进宝宝消化系统和大肠内有益菌族的生长。这些益生菌通过与原生质的相互作用,制造出一种短链脂肪酸,在宝宝的大肠内形成一种保护粘膜,有效阻止有害细菌侵入宝宝的消化系统和大肠,从而保护宝宝的消化系统,同时增强宝宝的免疫力。

由于新西兰的食品管理法案对Glod Plus1和Gold Plus2两种产品种所含有的食物纤维素定义与其他国家不同,因此您现在已经无法再新西兰市场上购得以上两种产品。这绝非食品安全问题,Nutricia配方奶粉在欧洲市场已经销售了八年并获得广泛好评,我们希望能尽快解决这一问题,使您能在您本地的市场购得以上两种产品。


Elisabeth PedersenNZRD 营养顾问---------------------------------Dear Shuo:Thank you for your question to Babytimes.Your Question was: "how about the differences"In New Zealand we have Karicare Gold 1 and 2 on the market. The only Plus formula is the Karicare Toddler Gold 3 Plus.The Karicare Gold Plus formula has a unique formulation, including Nutricia Prebiotics. They support your child's digestive and immune systems.It also contains Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats to aid your child's eye, brain and nerve developme! nt.Like vitamins and minerals, the Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids are important for good health. The body cannot make these and relies on food to obtain them. The benefits of Omega-3 fats include promoting healthy blood flow, reducing inflammation and influencing brain function.Especially important for babies and toddlers is the Omega-3 fatty acid called DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Fats make up over 50% of the brain and DHA is the most abundant of these. DHA is found in human milk and some fish oils. Formulas and milks labelled "Gold" such as Karicare Toddler Gold Milk, are enriched with Omega DHA.The Gold 1 Plus formula is basically the same as Karicare Gold 1 except that the Plus formulation has added prebiotics.These prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates called oligosaccharides which are naturally present in breast milk.These oligosaccharides travel through the body's digestive system to reach the colon (large bo! wel) unharmed and then they provide food for the beneficial or 'fr iendly' bacteria naturally present in the baby's gut. Prebiotics encourage the growth of the friendly bacteria in the large bowel and boost their numbers. Increased numbers of beneficial bacteria prevent bad bacteria from colonizing the gut.The beneficial bacteria metabolize the prebiotics, producing short chain fatty acids, result in a lower pH, and help in developing a mucus lining in the gut which stops the growth of harmful micro-organisms. These effects all add up to support the baby's healthy digestion and immune system.Breast milk naturally contains prebiotics. In our Karicare formulas we strive to copy breast milk as closely as possible. Our Gold Plus formulas are our premium formulas, and our closest in composition to that of breast milk.The Karicare Gold Plus 1 and 2 are on the Australian market (with the exception of New South Wales). They were on the New Zealand market last year, but due to a bureaucratic dispute with New Sou! th Wales Food Safety and FSANZ over classification (not a safety issue), are currently not available here. This dispute is bureaucratic and involves interpretation of the food standards code and the definition or classification of the special dietary fibre included.The Nutricia formulas including prebiotics ghave been on the euoptena marketr for voer 8 years, so we hope this will be resolved soon and we will again have the Plus formulas 1 and 2 back on our local market.Kind RegardsElisabeth PedersenDietitianNZRD



问:Karicare牛奶粉为什么会有金装加强版(Gold Plus)金装免疫版(Gold)两个系列产品呢?有什么不同?答:Karicare金装免疫牛奶粉(Gold)是Karicare公司婴幼儿牛奶粉产品中王牌产品,之前在纽澳市场销售超过8年,广受好评,在欧洲也是颇有口碑的一款产品。2007年,Kricare公司对该产品进行改良换代,推出了更新版本的金装免疫加强牛奶粉(Gold Plus)系列,同旧版的Gold系列一样,依然有3个不同阶段的配方适应各种年龄的宝宝,即一段(0-6个月)、二段(6-12个月)和三段(1-3岁)。较老版本,升级后的金装免疫加强版(Gold Plus)添加了更多有益于宝宝成长发育的营养物质,例如Nutricia原生质(Nutricia Prebiotics)支持宝宝的消化和免疫系统,Omega 3 和Omega 6能帮助宝宝的眼睛、大脑和神经系统的发展。特别指出,就像维他命和矿物质,Omega 3 和Omega 6虽然很有益处也很重要,但是无法从日常饮食中取得。Omega 3能够促进宝宝正常的血液循环,减少发炎症状,和活跃大脑。DHA是Omega3脂肪组中对人体最有益的一种,它对婴幼儿和儿童都是非常重要的。DHA通常含在人奶和某些鱼油中。改良后的Karicare金装加强版牛奶粉(Gold Plus)富含DHA,这是它的一大卖点!此外,金装免疫加强系列还添加了一种低聚糖原生质,它存在于母乳中。作用是帮助宝宝消化和促进大肠分泌有益菌群。这些益生菌与原生质互相作用,产生一种脂肪酸,在宝宝大肠内形成保护膜,能阻止有害细菌入侵宝宝消化系统和大肠,增将宝宝免疫力。问:为什么有的淘宝店铺销售金装加强1段(Gold Plus 1)金装加强2段(Gold Plus 2),而在Kairicare官方网站和你的店铺中没有看到?答:Karicare公司目前在新西兰市场销售的婴幼儿牛奶粉有:普通一段、二段、三段,金装免疫一段(Gold 1)、金装免疫二段(Gold 2)和金装加强免疫三段(Gold Plus 3)。2007年上市的金装免疫加强系列中含有果寡糖(Fructooligosaccharides,即Karicare公司电邮中所提到的一种低聚糖),虽然果寡糖已经通过医学实验证明对成年人及儿童无副作用,并且在全球范围内是公认的有益的儿童食品添加物,此系列产品在欧洲销售超过7年。但是新西兰的食品检疫更为严格和保守,NZFSA(新西兰食品安全局)认为,目前证明能果寡糖对10个月以下幼儿是安全无害的实验数据,还不够充分。所以金装免疫加强一段和二段(Gold Plus 1 & Gold Plus 2)被勒令下架,只保留了金装免疫加强三段(Gold Plus 3)。因此,目前新西兰市面没有这2个产品。淘宝上出售者2款产品,均为07年出厂,或者08年在澳洲市场购买(新南威尔士州除外)。产品资料可参考Karicare官方网页http://www.nutriciababy.co.nz/main/nutrition/karicare_gold_starter_formula_2_.html问:如何从外观上区别金装免疫(Gold)和金装免疫加强(Gold Plus)呢?答:店主教你两个小妙招。

1>看标志!金装免疫版的“Gold”字样旁边有一个小小的对勾,被圈在金色的圆圈中。金装免疫加强版“Gold”旁边有一个小小的加号,里面写有“Plus”字样,此外旁边还有金色盾牌形图案,蓝色飘带环绕!2>看出厂日期!Gold Plus1和Gold Plus2是2007年在新西兰要求下架的,所以新西兰市场购买到的这2个厂品,出厂日期均为2007年。08年的新西兰市场没有这2个产品。


最后编辑此帖2008-10-12 05:25:02。

up up,顶一下,,大家都看看哦。lz写的很认真,大家不看看吗?^_^楼主自己顶一下!!


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