what is success

what is success?


what is success?

WHAT IS SUCCESS  Ralph Waldo Emerson   What is success?  To laugh often and love much;  To win the respect of intelligent people  And the affection of children;  To earn the approbationof honest critics  And endure the betrayal of false friends;  To appreciate beauty;  To find the best in others;  To give oneself;  To leave the world a little better,  Whether by a healthy child,  A garden patch,  Or a redeemed social condition;  To have played and laughed with enthusiasm  And sung with exultation;  To know even one life has breathed easier,  Because you have lived……  This is to have succeeded.   成功的内涵   拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生 陈采霞译   成功是什么?   笑口常开,爱心永在,   赢得智者的尊重,   孩子们的爱戴;   博得真诚的认可,   容忍损友的背叛;   欣赏美好的东西,   发现别人的可爱。   学会无私地奉献,   给世界增添光彩:   要么培育出健康的孩子,   要么留下花园一块,   亦或是改善社会条件;   尽情娱乐、笑得畅快,   把欢乐的歌唱起来;   甚至知道一个生命活得自在,   因为你的一路走来……   这就是成功的内涵

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