
家有一岁半小儿一名,对于孩子的教育一直放在头等位置。一直想了解国外对于孩子早教的一下看法,并就此做成个系列帖子,争取每日更新吧。本人英语水平欠佳,也只能翻译个大概。还请各位妈妈们多多包涵,并对翻译不周的地方加以指正,也算是互相交流吧。呵呵那么就从今天开始咯,Preparing Your Child for the Big Day 为孩子入园做准备By April MooreSchool starts soon, and if your child will be attending preschool for the first time, s/he will be embarking on one of the most significant events in his or her life. How well prepared your child is to begin school will mean a lot—to his or her happiness, self-esteem, and long-term attitude toward school. These guidelines will help you get your child off to a great start this year.就要开学了,如果您的孩子面临着第一次上幼儿园,这将是他(她)第一次经历着对他(她)以后生活都会有很大影响的事情。很好的帮助孩子度过这关,将有助于提升孩子的幸福感、自尊心及以后对于上学的态度。下面的建议将有助于您帮助孩子很好的度过这个关键的一年。Address Your Own Needs First首先 写下您自己的需求The first, and perhaps the most important thing you, as the parent, can do to help your child is to prepare yourself for the big day. After all, the day your child starts school is the beginning of a new chapter for you as well. If you are struggling with the thought that your child is taking a big step out into the world and away from you, or if you have concerns about the preschool program in which you have enrolled your child, your child will sense your anxiety. Even if you attempt to convey a positive attitude, your misgivings will come through, explains Peter Pizzolongo, Director of Training and Professional Development at the National Association for the Education of Young Children, based in Washington, D.C.首先并且可能是最重要的事,作为孩子的父母的你要对孩子的入学日做好准备。当孩子进入幼儿园开始了角色转变的同时您的角色也会发生变化。如果您一直在考虑孩子入园这将意味着这是孩子走向社会并慢慢离开您的第一步或是幼儿园的课程是不是适合自己的宝贝,这样的不安是会影响到您的宝贝的,尽管您一直在很努力的掩饰自己的不安并鼓励您的孩子。事实却是孩子完全能感受到。“Rather than pretend to your child that you are fine with the coming change, even when you’re not,” adds Mav Pardee, Program Manager at the Boston-based Children’s Investment Fund, “seek the counsel of a spouse, friend, or other trusted and understanding adult before you talk with your child about the coming event.” A parent who is struggling with this transition must have a means to work through his or her concerns without the child present, explains Pardee, whose organization helps childcare organizations improve their facilities.与其假装镇定的面对您的孩子还不如您自己先接受孩子入园的这一转变,您可以在告诉孩子他(她)将要去上幼儿园前,试着告诉您的配偶、朋友或者是其他可以相信的成年人帮您分担您的忧虑。如果父母因为孩子入园而见不到孩子而忧虑的话,建议可以试图找些其他的工作做做。



童装......有喜欢的就出个价钱.....如果可以我就卖~~~~~~~~~~~~~我要装修房子了.......马上成为房奴~~~~~可批发~可换购家中事情太多,来不及翻译咯,不过还是努力了下,大家接着看吧Address Your Own Needs First首先 写下您自己的需求The first, and perhaps the most important thing you, as the parent, can do to help your child is to prepare yourself for the big day. After all, the day your child starts school is the beginning of a new chapter for you as well. If you are struggling with the thought that your child is taking a big step out into the world and away from you, or if you have concerns about the preschool program in which you have enrolled your child, your child will sense your anxiety. Even if you attempt to convey a positive attitude, your misgivings will come through, explains Peter Pizzolongo, Director of Training and Professional Development at the National Association for the Education of Young Children, based in Washington, D.C. 首先并且可能是最重要的事,作为孩子的父母的你要对孩子的入学日做好准备。当孩子进入幼儿园开始了角色转变的同时您的角色也会发生变化。如果您一直在考虑孩子入园这将意味着这是孩子走向社会并慢慢离开您的第一步或是幼儿园的课程是不是适合自己的宝贝,这样的不安是会影响到您的宝贝的,尽管您一直在很努力的掩饰自己的不安并鼓励您的孩子。事实却是孩子完全能感受到。“Rather than pretend to your child that you are fine with the coming change, even when you’re not,” adds Mav Pardee, Program Manager at the Boston-based Children’s Investment Fund, “seek the counsel of a spouse, friend, or other trusted and understanding adult before you talk with your child about the coming event.” A parent who is struggling with this transition must have a means to work through his or her concerns without the child present, explains Pardee, whose organization helps childcare organizations improve their facilities. 与其假装镇定的面对您的孩子还不如您自己先接受孩子入园的这一转变,您可以在告诉孩子他(她)将要去上幼儿园前,试着告诉您的配偶、朋友或者是其他可以相信的成年人帮您分担您的忧虑。如果父母因为孩子入园而见不到孩子而忧虑的话,建议可以试图找些其他的工作做做。Next, Prepare Your Child其次,帮您孩子做好准备Once you feel reasonably comfortable about what the advent of preschool will mean for your life and confident that the particular program you have chosen will be a good one for your child, you are ready to begin preparing your child for this new experience. The following four strategies are all part of a common sense approach that should not be difficult for any parent.一但您很自然的认为孩子上幼儿园是件合理的事情,而且您也认为您所选的课程能够对您的孩子有好处,您就可以开始为您的孩子的这次体验做准备了。下面的几个很简单的注意点将有助于父母帮助孩子渡过他们的入园最初阶段• Imagine how your child might react to preschool. 设想下您孩子对幼儿园可能有的反应Before talking with your child about the preschool experience to come, think about how s/he is likely to make the transition to preschool. A lot depends on temperament,according to Pardee. How has your child responded to other major changes, such as a move or the birth of a sibling? Has your child taken such life changes in stride, or does s/he need time to work them through? And how are things at home? If a parent has lost a job or has just started back to work, or if there has been a recent divorce, the child is already coping with a major change, and the transition to preschool may be more difficult, Pardee explains. If your child is already coping with a difficult situation at home, some extra support during the transition to preschool will be a good idea.在和您的孩子谈论上幼儿园前,您需要想一下您的孩子他(她)自己会如何去应对转变,这个主要还是要看您孩子的性格。跟据您以往的观察,孩子在面临环境转换或者是认识新的小朋友,他(她)是很快接受了新环境还是需要通过一段时间的转换?在家的表现如何?如果父母工作很忙或者正好开始重新恢复工作或者是刚刚好跟孩子有个短期的分离,孩子在面临入园时就会表现的更加困难些,这时您需要给孩子额外的关爱与支持来度过孩子的入园期。• Discuss preschool with your child. 告诉您的孩子关于入园的事情Of course your child needs to hear from you what this place called ‘preschool’ is all about and what it will be like. In sharing this information, Pardee says to keep in mind the importance of honoring your child’s feelings. Preschool represents a shift from the familiar to the unknown and is likely to arouse a child’s anxiety. Pardee reminds parents that a young child’s fears about preschool are not that different from an adult’s anxiety about starting a new job or entering a room full of strangers.当然您的孩子喜欢听到您亲自告诉他关于幼儿园的一些介绍。通过您亲自告诉您的孩子关于幼儿园的一些事情,您的孩子会有一种被尊重的感觉,并且也会对幼儿园有一种好感和想去幼儿园的欲望,专家补充说,孩子对幼儿园的恐惧是不同于成年人突然进入一个新环境或见到一群陌生人的感觉的。When telling your child about the school experience to come, “be positive!” urges Ann Roblyer, former lead teacher at the University of New Mexico Children’s Campus for Early Care and Education in Albuquerque. “Make sure your child knows that preschool is a good place, and that s/he will enjoy being there,” says Roblyer. “Don’t say, ‘I have to go to work, so you’re going to preschool.’” Give your child a chance to ask questions and to share worries and fears with you. Listen carefully and respond honestly and reassuringly, advises Pizzolongo. “And don’t start too early in telling your child that s/he will soon be going to preschool,” advises Pardee. “Since young children experience the passage of time differently than adults do,” she explains, “it could be overkill if you begin in June to talk with your child about a program that doesn’t start until August or September.” A week is about the right time, she says, for a child to prepare for the upcoming change.当告诉您的孩子一定要去幼儿园时,专家建议您一定要告诉孩子幼儿园是个很好的地方,那么您的孩子就会很乐意的去。当然您也要给您的孩子一个机会来表达他自己对上幼儿园的一些恐惧货担忧,您只需认真的倾听、真诚的回答让您的孩子安心就好。专家还建议您不需要很早就告诉孩子要上幼儿园的事情,一般提前一周左右跟他(她)谈效果是最好的。(待续)┴┬┴┬/ ̄\_/ ̄\┬┴┬┴▏  ▏▔▔▔▔\ 这┴┬┴/\ /      ﹨ 地┬┴∕       /   ) 方┴┬▏        ●  ▏ 不┬┴▏           ▔█◤ 错,┴◢██◣       \__/┬█████◣       /让我用PP坐坐!  ┴█████████████◣◢██████████████▆▄◢██████████████▆▄█◤◢██◣◥█████████◤\◥◢████ ████████◤   \┴█████ ██████◤      ﹨┬│   │█████◤        ▏┴│   │ 踩!!!!!!!!!! ! ▏┬∕   ∕    /▔▔▔\     ∕*∕___/﹨   ∕      \  /\很好的,谢谢啊.很好的,谢谢啊.楼主自已翻译的,真是够强的。赞一个。呵呵 谢谢大家鼓励,还在努力翻译中,• Provide experiences that will help your child thrive in preschool.提供经验给孩子,这将帮助孩子成功入园“If your child has had little experience playing with other children, try to set up some play dates before school starts,” advises Pizzolongo. “These play times with other children will give your child practice in sharing and in taking turns,” he adds. Pardee suggests requesting a copy of the class list from the school. “With a contact list in hand, you can arrange a play date with one or more of the other families,” she explains. “It will mean a lot to your child to see a familiar face in the classroom on the first day,” Pardee notes.如果您的孩子和别的孩子玩的机会比较少,试着在入园前找些机会让孩子们在一起多玩玩,这些与其他孩子共处的时间,将锻炼您的孩子与别的孩子的交往能力和建立他们之间的关系,专家建议要一份幼儿园的同xxx系表,有了联系方式,约小朋友们一同玩耍,这样咋入园的第一天您的孩子就会看见很多的熟悉面孔了。Another experience that will help your child is fantasy play, Pardee recommends. “Let your child play the reassuring parent and you the child,” she suggests. “Children love to switch roles with adults,” she explains. “Or encourage your child to act out preschool with dolls or stuffed animals.” This kind of play allows the child, while having fun, to work through his or her anxieties about preschool. 另外一个帮助您孩子的经验是想象游戏,让您的孩子扮演家长您扮演孩子,孩子们通常喜欢玩这样的游戏或者鼓励孩子表现出他们是如何对待幼儿园的娃娃和毛绒玩具的,这样的玩法在让孩子感觉快乐的同时消除了他(她)对入园前的忧虑。Reading aloud to your child, a big plus for many reasons, also prepares your child for preschool, says Pizzolongo: “Reading aloud will help your child develop the ability to sit quietly and listen.” He also suggests that parents check out the local library for picture books with a preschool theme. “There are many good books that show young children what preschool is like,” explains Pizzolongo. 大声读故事给孩子听吧,在很多方面这个对孩子来说都是有好处的,同样对入园前的宝贝也有好处,专家说,大声阅读能够帮助培养您孩子安静的坐和聆听的能力,父母可以在当地的图书馆找一些幼儿园主题的图书读给孩子听,通过读书的形式让孩子了解幼儿园是什么样子还有最后一点啦 一会翻译 呵呵• Introduce your child to the school and the teacher.把您的孩子介绍给老师Take advantage of any social event the preschool sponsors where incoming children are invited to take a look at the classroom, meet their teacher, and play with the children who will become their classmates, suggests Roblyer. If the preschool does not routinely hold such an event, call the school and try to schedule a time when you can take your child in to meet the teacher, she adds. Even better, ask for permission to bring your child in sometime when school is in session. “Actually seeing what goes on in the classroom is bound to excite a young child,” Roblyer notes. 带孩子去上幼儿园的过渡性课程,在那里孩子可以认识自己的老师和同学,如果幼儿园没有这个课程,您可以找个机会带着宝贝去认识老师,最好在幼儿园上课时把您即将入园的孩子带上这样让他有个机会知道课堂到底是什么样的,这也将有助孩子渡过入园阶段Even if it’s not possible for your child to see the classroom and meet the teacher, “it’s still a good idea to let your child see the grounds and to take a look at the building from the outside,” says Pardee.即使没有可能去认识老师和新同学,您有空带着孩子在幼儿园的操场走走,陪孩子看看幼儿园的建筑,这对孩子也是有好处的Following the strategies explained above will go a long way toward preparing your child for preschool. You will both be glad once preschool has begun and your child is bursting to tell you how much fun it is!做到了以上的几点,您的孩子一定会很快的适应入园阶段,你也一定会很快的听到您的孩子多么自豪的告诉您,上幼儿园是多么快乐的一件事情。关于孩子如何渡过幼儿园的最初阶段就结束咯,明天继续别的内容真的很专业啊!!忘了顶了,支持支持!!
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